Featured Platinum Partner
Suite 56A, 26/32 Pirrama Rd, Pyrmont, New South Wales 2009
David Saul
Detailed Information

Saul SMSF is one of Australia’s most experienced and trusted independent SMSF auditors.

We deliver efficient, timely and independent SMSF audits. Our core values of strength, integrity and reliability have made us a highly trusted SMSF auditor.

Saul SMSF audits are guaranteed within 2 WEEKS, maintaining a high-quality service that builds your reputation. Our commitment to communication and our 5 core values have helped us to become a trusted auditor to many accounting firms and their clients.

We focus all our professional efforts into maintaining the important knowledge, skills and qualifications we need to provide high-quality SMSF audits to our clients.

Our service charter

  • We fully appreciated it is you, the accounting professional, who has the primary relationship with your SMSF clients. Beyond our professional responsibilities and ethical duties, we respect the relationship you have with your SMSF client.
  • Unlike some audit service providers, we don’t view your SMSF clients as a nameless commodity. To us, each SMSF contains the unique retirement dreams and aspirations of your clients.
  • We guarantee set turnaround times. We promise an efficient process for completing the final set of accounts (including the audit certificate) so that the tax return is lodged on time.
  • We customise our reporting structures and job tracking systems to meet our clients’ requirements.
  • We provide only high-quality audits using our expertise and experience. We will not take shortcuts or undertake “tick-and-flick-audits”.
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