No Deduction for Non-Compliant Payments

No Deduction for Non-Compliant Payments

From 1 July 2019, businesses can only claim deductions for payments made to workers if they have complied with applicable PAYG withholding and reporting obligations. This article discusses the new rules and their implications for businesses. A summary of the PAYG...
Progress of bills pre-Budget

Progress of bills pre-Budget

In our latest Banter Blog, with limited sitting days ahead of the Federal Budget on 2 April 2019 and the expected Federal election in May 2018, we summarise the outstanding key tax and superannuation measures which are before the Parliament, which remain in draft form...
The Ever-Changing Tax Environment

The Ever-Changing Tax Environment

Following the release of the Intergenerational Report we now await the Taxation White Paper and hopefully a look at the shape of a tax system that may better suit Australia’s future needs. In the midst of discussion of such significant reform, taxpayers and advisors...