Research skills are essential to acquiring the information you need to put your role into best effect, but is the time you’re investing into research as productive as it could be?
Tax practitioners at all levels of experience need to research tax issues as part of their role as a professional adviser, but do they know where to go? What to look for? Are they confident they are looking at the right information?
At a time when so much content is web-based, it is useful to understand how the internet can be used in researching tax issues and how to make the most of it. Are you aware of the key websites when it comes to researching Federal tax issues? Do you know how to effectively navigate these websites? Do you understand how tax legislation is developed, so that you can source the right information depending on what you are looking for?
Refining an understanding of these key websites means you are able to navigate to the information you are seeking in much less time, making the research process much less stressful and much less time consuming.
How to Research Tax Issues
TaxBanter have a new self-paced program, ‘How to Research Tax Issues’ aimed at tax professionals wanting to improve their research skills.
The program takes participants through the best practice for researching Federal tax issues using key websites; ATO, Australian Legal Information Institute, Comlaw, Government Ministers, Treasury, and Parliament house. How to Research Tax Issues also offers tips and traps and methods to perform effective searches using devices, such as tablets.
At completion of the program participants will be able to effectively identify the most effective way of researching a Federal tax issue using publicly available resources.
Specifically, participants will be able to:
- Identify the key websites used by tax professionals when researching a Federal tax issue;
- Research a Federal tax issue using the internet in the most efficient way;
- Identify the hierarchy of the tribunals and courts, and the development of Federal tax policy so that the required information can be correctly located on the internet;
- Apply this information in a practical manner, with useful tips and tools.
How to Research Tax Issues is presented by Senior Tax Trainer, Robyn Jacobson, with over 15 years of tax training experience.
For more information about How to Research Tax Issues, please visit
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