Suite 3 47 Park Road, Milton, Queensland 4064
Detailed Information

We build Cloud Server Platforms for your software.

They are designed to save you time and money and provide you with real flexibility in how you operate. Our offering allows users to access their Cloud anywhere anytime and on any device.

We guarantee the tightest of integration of your software and data. We eliminate the need to manage and administer a server with Microsoft Outlook, firewalls, antivirus or backup processes. There is also no need to re-enter any data or learn new software functionality. We can transfer your existing data and have you up and running within 24 hours.

Only when you are completely satisfied with your cloud setup do you need to start monthly payments.

Our cloud offering has been designed specifically by us and we know it works. It offers all the benefits of remote access, scalability, and Pay as You Go. You can choose from Cloud Applications, Cloud Platforms or Cloud Servers and any combination of all three.

We use the state of the art NextDC B1 Data Centre for our servers and engage service orientated support professionals. We have our own licensed suite of Sage Handisoft software and we test the software daily and check updates from Handisoft as they are issued and we install them across the facility.


Dale Crosby
Product and Service
Product Name