Being a CPA candidate and a Client Manager at Saasu gives me the unique opportunity to hear a lot about people’s business problems and show them how to use Saasu to create a better accounting workflow.
For each unique set of challenges Saasu has different ways to help you manage your finances faster and smarter. And often what seems like a small button or something trivial can be of the most help to you.
Here are the five gems in Saasu that help the most common business problems that land on our service desk.
Sent or not sent?
If you want to know which invoices have been sent, there’s an easy way. Every invoice will have a tick box near the bottom right of the Edit Invoice screen which will either be ticked or not, telling you if it has been sent to the customer or not. Better yet you can click on the More Filters link on the Sale or Purchase screen and set the filters to search for sent or not sent.
Locked periods
Saasu is designed to give you a lot of flexibility around backdating invoices or editing past information. This is all well and good until your employee edits a period that you spent an hour reconciling and everything is suddenly unbalanced.
But we do have a function in Saasu that allows you to lock time periods or create a warning if anyone tries to edit, add or delete within that period. You can find this by clicking on the Cogwheel icon and selecting Settings, it is under the Transactions heading.
Pending transactions
Sometimes bank feeds aren’t quite up to where you are. Feeds will not show if they are still pending through your bank or our data provider. But you can still view them in their pending state. Just click on View > Bank Accounts > Click on the name of the bank account and you will see a tick box at the bottom of the Edit Bank Account page that allows you to set these to show in your feed.
Export to Spreadsheet (CSV)
Saasu is a very powerful tool in that it draws on all of your data to create really useful financial reports. But it can also be used as a database to give you raw data to use for so many other business purposes. By exporting information to a spreadsheet you can use basic spreadsheet functions like sorting by column, summing and averaging to find extremely detailed information.
General Ledger Detail Report
This is the report I spend a lot of time with. Accounting data is complex and it’s very easy to lose track of everything that’s going on. I often get calls from business owners that have made an error with data entry and can’t find a transaction or have reporting differences that they can’t explain.
The GL Detail report is where I go. GL Detail reports can be run across all accounts or just one for your chosen period. It will show you the type of transaction each entry is and how it affects each account. Too many transactions? Try using Ctrl + F or Command +F on a Mac to search the report using your browser’s function.
Saasu packs in a lot of big features that help businesses achieve their goals but I must say that the most satisfaction I get from my day is suggesting that one tidy feature that will save our customers hours of work.
- The Art Of Less In Business - 15 December 2016
- Cloud + ECommerce + Saasu = Australian Manufacturer’s Success - 17 August 2016
- 2 business metrics you should know now - 15 June 2016