Over the last two years, through our consulting business – Towers Business Development Pty Ltd – we have conducted a series of workshops on behalf of the AusIndustry (a department of the Federal Government) on the Role & Responsibilities of Company Directors.
These workshops were conducted in a number of different locations in Queensland.
We also conducted workshops for committee members and officers of not-for-profits and charities at the same time.
From these workshops, we received very strong feedback from the participants who indicated they wanted to know…. what’s next? What follows this?
We’ve decided to launch is a Corporate Governance Network, through our associated entity ESS Small Business, which will comprise six webinar/workshops to be presented in roughly 90-minutes each time, commencing on Tuesday 29th May 2018 and running for the next twelve months.
The Banking Royal Commission has highlighted that directors of all types of companies need to ensure that the policies they signed off on are being implemented by the team.
The Corporate Governance Network is targeted at:
- company directors
- company officers
- committee members and officers of not-for-profits and charities
- accountants and business advisers
and anyone else who would like to improve their knowledge of matters relating to corporate governance without necessarily undertaking the Australian Institute of Company Directors’ Diploma Course.
The workshops/webinars will be recorded so they’ll be available for members to listen to at a later date, if that suits them better.
Subscribers will be invited to submit questions prior to each webinar/workshop so we have an indication of the types of issues that are confronting people who are running companies, not-for profits and charities.
The agenda will be sent to members of the network three days prior to the webinar/workshop presentation and the PowerPoint slides that we use will also be sent to participants prior to the webinar/workshop.
After the webinar/workshop, we will send subscribers a copy of the notes of the main presentation and the additional material that any of the key note speakers have supplied to supplement their presentation.
We will also be developing an action plan based on the various matters discussed. This will also be sent to members, so that subscribers can incorporate their own individual action plan for the next 6-7 week period.
The webinars will feature presentations on legislation affecting company directors and legislation affecting officers and committee members of not-for-profits and charities.
We will be discussing the duties and responsibilities of directors and committee members. Over the series of workshops, we will discuss “all things financial”, whether it’s Profit & Loss Accounts, Budgets, Cashflow Forecasts, Source & Application of Funds and other material.
Presentations will be made on:
- People Management
- Fair Work Australia Issues
- Workplace Health & Safety matters
- Leadership
- Government Grants for Small/Medium Enterprises
- Marketing and Sales Matters relative to SMEs, but also not-for-profits and charities.
- A taxation update, as it affects the key issues with small/medium enterprises and not-for-profits and charities.
- Debtors’ Management advice.
To learn more about the Corporate Governance Network, please (Click here). We are also conducting a Free Preview Webinar/Workshop on Tuesday 22nd May 2018. This free preview will go for about one hour. Please (click here) to register for this free preview webinar to gain a better understanding of what will be covered in the Corporate Governance Network workshops/webinars for company directors and committee members of organisations throughout Australia.
If you need any further information, please send me an email – peter@essbiztools.com.au or phone 1800 232 088.
Peter Towers
+61 7 4724 1118 | 1800 232 088
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