A New Year, a new you, so let’s start fresh.
We are all so busy getting things done that we overlook the simple tools and processes we should implement to make our lives that more simple. Firms that work well are firms that work well together, to be efficient means delivering quality every time not only 60% of the time.
Here are some of our top tips for anyone looking to up their productivity through the workday which will lead to a successful year with a team working like clockwork.
Here our Top 5 Productivity Tips for Accountants
1. Go digital
Invest in a fast, high-quality scanner to get all those documents into your system as soon as possible, it’s time to step away from all that paper and we suggest a secure, high-speed, unlimited capacity client portal and explain to your clients your new way of communicating. And trust us, they’ll love it. Invest in the technology you need to help your firm work in a modern and efficient way.
2. Be tidy
An organised workspace is an organised mind. When everything is where it should be, you can focus on what you do best.
But in today’s world, our desk is not the only place we work at. If you can’t see your desktop background because it’s covered in random files that don’t have a home, you’ve got a problem. You need a rigid filing system and a content management system that organises document storage for you and enables you to search at the click of a button. You need one single up-to-date version of the documents your firm uses. What do we mean? Click here.
3. Multiscreen set-up
This has long been the secret of super-productive accounting firms. With all the information related to the task at hand available at a glance and no need to continually switch tabs and windows, your accountants will never work the same again with a single screen. This is most useful for comparing and checking, particularly when reviewing files. It’s a minimal investment for some serious returns. If double monitors aren’t already the norm in your firm, they should be. Tomorrow.
4. Talk with people
Instead of sending a big chain of emails asking for things, just call them. Better yet, walk down the hall and ask them. Follow up within 24 hours if a simple request hasn’t been met, and always respond efficiently when people ask for things from you. This way they know that they can expect efficiency from you, which means you expect the same from them, thus a stronger more united team.
5. Organise your document management systems
Remember it’s important to have consistency, everything in one location (doc management, not doc storage)
With remote working becoming the norm, mobile devices being used increasingly for work purposes, employees having both personal and work computers and their own inboxes, central storage and document control is more important than ever. An easy to use, drag and drop Cloud Doc management system can do this for you, here’s how.
One of the biggest misunderstandings in the accounting industry is that going paperless means having all your documents scanned and saved electronically. But this is just kindergarten for the paperless firm. Truly graduating to paperless status means having a proper doc management system that stores everything (including emails) in one central location and is searchable at the click of a button. That many files can’t be organised by the human brain, so you need software that’ll do that for you and ensure you’re able to find files in a flash.
January’s the perfect month for planning out your year, for setting goals and figuring out how you’ll achieve them, and for just feeling refreshed, motivated and ready to work.
It’s time to be thinking about your service offerings, your clients, and your team. Oh, and yourself. Stay healthy and happy.
Here is to a successful year ahead, welcome to 2018
Brad Geelan | Business Fitness | www.businessfitness.net
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