It may be worthwhile checking with your small business clients to see if they are compliant with their workplace responsibilities.
In a report issued in late August, Fair Work inspectors made spot checks of 232 businesses in and around Rockhampton, Yeppoon, Gladstone, Biloela, Emerald and Blackwater.
They found that:
- * 51% were not compliant with all their workplace responsibilities,
- * 31% were not paying their staff correctly, and
- * 30% were not compliant with record-keeping and pay-slip obligations.
Seventy two businesses were asked to back-pay a total of $110,087 to 316 of their employees who had been short-changed.
One employer was issued with a formal Letter of Caution, putting it on notice that future contraventions of workplace law could result in enforcement action.
The campaign was conducted in response to an increase in requests for assistance from employees in Central Queensland.
Businesses audited were across a number of industries, including the accommodation sector, hair and beauty services and earthmoving.
Larger businesses had a higher compliance rate than smaller businesses.
Workforce Guardian provide affordable and easy-to-use HR solutions designed specifically to help Australian employers achieve best-practice HR management and full-compliance with Australian employment laws.
If you’d like to know more, contact us on Ph 1300 659 563.
David Bates| Managing Director, Workforce Guardian
Under section 550 of the Fair Work Act 2009, key business advisors such as accountants and bookkeepers can be held personally liable as an ‘accessory’ for their clients’ breaches of Australian employment law. Workforce Guardian’s FREE Fair Work Liability Check will confirm whether you’re exposed to potential penalties of up to $54,000 for each of your own and your clients’ breaches of Australian employment law. If you answer no/unsure to any of these questions, you should take urgent action to reduce your risk of accessorial and personal liability.
- Paying your employees annual salaries? Read this - 15 November 2016
- Taking redundancy one step at a time - 19 October 2016
- Are your small business clients compliant with workplace responsibilities? - 22 September 2016